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Product Description Cost Quantity Total Cost
50g (100tabs)

$25 Not Available  

50g ( 100 of 500 mg tablets)

Gross weight 70g

100g (200 tabs)
( Recommend for new User)


100g ( 200 of 500 mg tablets)

Gross weight 120g

180g (360 tabs)


180g ( 360 of 500 mg tablets)

Gross weight 220g

500g ( 1000 tabs )


500g ( 1000 of 500 mg tablets)

Gross weight 570g


Pure Spirulina Powder

400g Powder
( Recommend for new User)


400g pure powder

Gross weight 480g ( postage under 500g at $10 in Au)

Buy 2 for postage free

If you are qualified for this offer, please ignore postage section then check out directly.
( For Australia only)

2 x 400g Powder

Free postage in Australia


2 x 400g powder + postage free


2 x 180g (360 tabs)

Free postage in Australia


2 of 180g + free postage


2 x 500g (1000 tabs)

Free postage in Australia


2 of 500g + free postage



Please select postage region and weight for your order!

Not sure which is correct ? Just leave postage blank and we will amend for you!

under 499g (Australia postage) $10


500g~3 kg (Australia postage) $15
under 499g ( Asia postage) $25
501g~1.0 kg (Asia postage) $50
1.01 kg~2.0 kg (Asia postage) $75


2.01 kg~3.0 kg (Asia postage) $100
under 500g ( USA & Canada postage) $25
501g ~1.0kg ( USA & Canada postage) $50
1.01kg ~2.0kg ( USA & Canada postage) $75


2.01kg ~3.0kg ( USA & Canada postage) $100
other region under 499g $30
other region 500g~1 kg $60
other region 1.01 kg~ 2 kg $90


other region 2.01 kg~ 3 kg $120
Total Cost