此單元乃是提供一些基本相關的營養學常識, 節省讀者自行查閱相關報導及研究報告的時間. 此資料並非試圖以置入式方式, 直接或間接明示或暗示強調療效. 我們是以營養學的觀點提供這些資料,希望幫助讀者進一步瞭解.
食用螺旋藻產品.固然可以幫助維持身體營養均衡健康. 但不代表可以取代藥品或諮詢專業醫師, 藥師或營養師. 若是您個人有健康上的問題, 請諮商您的醫師.
Vitamins are essential foods which the body needs in small amounts, to work normally and to stay healthy. They are essential for proper growth in children, and for the preservation of good health for all.
Vitamins are commonly classified under thirteen headings, using letters of the alphabet,and are considered according to their ability to be absorbed in fat or water. The vitamins which are soluble in fat are A, D, E and K, they are usually consumed with fat containing foods and the body can store them within its own fat. For this reason, they are retained over some period of time, so it is not necessary to eat or drink them each day. Water soluble vitamins are the B group and vitamin C. These cannot be retained in the body so we need to take foods which contain them every day.
維生素大概共有13種,概分為兩大類. 分為脂溶解性(A,D,E,K ) 及水溶解性 (C, B群 ). 脂溶解性 (A,D,E,K )可以保存在人體一段時間, 故不須每天攝取. 但是水溶解性 (C, B群 ) 因無法長期保存於人體, 故必須儘量每天攝取!
Vitamins Supplied by Spirulina
B6 or pyridoxine helps in the breakdown and assimilation of proteins. It offers protection to the heart and reduces oedema.
B6 : 幫助蛋白質的消化吸收,保護心臟及防止水腫.
Biotin is an enzyme that carries carbon dioxide and acts as an agent in the assimilation of some B complex vitamins.
維生素 H : 幫助吸收維生素B群
B12 or Cobalamin is very difficult to extract from vegetables, but Spirulina is rich in this rare vitamin. The deficiency of B12 is indicated in cases of pernicious anaemia, nerve degeneration etc.
B12 : 防止惡性貧血及神經衰弱
Pantothenic Acid is used in the adrenal glands along with vitamin C and cholesterol to produce steroids such as cortisone in response to physical and mental stress.
Folic Acid is essential for making new red blood cells.
: 為身體製造紅血球不可缺乏的成份
Inositol keeps the liver healthy and balances blood holesterol. It is probably the most abundant vitamin in the body after niacin.
Niacin is considered to be a cholesterol lowering agent as well as being essential to mental health.
: 可降低膽固醇 促進腦部健康
B2 or Riboflavin prevents eye problems and severe eczema.
B2 : 可防止眼睛疾病及濕疹
B1 or Thiamine maintains glucose level in the blood. A serious deficiency of this vitamin may result in death.
B1 : 維持血液中葡萄糖含量 嚴重缺乏維生素B1 可能會有生命危險
E or Tocopherol. Preserves heart and vascular health and retards ageing.
E :保護及防止心臟及其他心血管病變
Carotenoids. Some substances in plants are not always true vitamins, but they may be something from which the body can produce its own vitamins. The carotenoid compound of Spirulina is just such a substance. Carotenoids act as free radical quenchers, so they behave as a protector for the body's own cells.
葫蘿蔔素: 一些植物含的並非真正的維生素,有些維生素是人體可以自己合成, 螺旋藻內的Beta 葫蘿蔔素可以骯幫助保護人體細胞.
Normally, vitamin A is available only from the liver of some animals. Since vitamin A from animals is fat soluble, the human body stores it with its own fat reserves and it is not naturally expelled when an excess is consumed. Hence, vitamin A poisoning can occur.
通常, 維生素 A 僅僅存在動物肝臟. 若是攝取過量動物肝臟來源的脂溶解性維生素 A , 這些過量的維生素 A 將不會自然排泄, 而以脂肪型式儲存在人體 ,造成因過量攝取導致毒性.
Beta-Carotene is a very important antioxidant. There are some sources which are artificial, and others which exist within some of our vegetable foods.
Beta 葫蘿蔔素 :非常重要的抗養化成份
The latter group or natural beta-carotenes are much to be preferred since the body can absorb these
天然 Beta 葫蘿蔔素非常容易被人體吸收
much more quickly. Several studies have indicated that people whose diet contains a lot of beta-carotene tend to have a lower risk of developing cancer. Other developing cancer. Other advantages are that natural sources do not contain preservatives or colouring materials.
一些研究指出 節食中的朋友若是能同時攝取大量的Beta 葫蘿蔔素 將可以降低患癌症的風險
Many common foods are rich in beta-carotene and may be enjoyed for their flavour as well as their goodness. Kale and spinach with their dark green leaves, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, squash, papayas and cantaloupes all supply this important substance.
一些常見食物也是富含 beta 胡蘿蔔素 , 如 甘藍類蔬菜,菠菜花椰菜,南瓜,紅蘿蔔,結瓜,木瓜,哈蜜瓜等等.
Green and yellow vegetables in general should be embraced as important foods for good health. Spirulina of course is very rich in beta-carotene, and by using it regularly you'd ensure the body was not in need of this essential food.
黃綠色的蔬果一般都含對健康有幫助, 螺旋藻含豐原的 beta 胡蘿蔔素 常常服用螺旋藻可避免缺乏相關營養.
Spirulina's Other Good Things!
Depending upon growing conditions, Spirulina will be from 65% to 71% protein. This protein content is said to be biologically complete. That means that all eight essential amino acids are present in their correct ratios. A lot of plants contain various ranges of protein, but with differing quantities of amino acids. Thus some degree of incompleteness will exist.
在不同的養殖條件下, 螺旋藻的蛋白質含量會從 65%~71% ,螺旋藻含完整蛋白質.包括8種必要氨基酸, 其他植物來源的氨基酸比較不完整.
Here again Spirulina is different in that it contains a total of 18 amino acids in the exact proportion to mother’s breast milk.
It has these eight complete amino acids regarded as ideal for the human body.
螺旋藻所含的18種氨基酸, 與母乳成份相類似. 螺旋藻能提供完整的氨基酸,是人體補充氨基酸的最佳來源.
Regrettably, the human body is unable to store amino acids, so when incomplete foods are taken, there is frequently an imbalance in the diet. Spirulina can come to the rescue with its full range of complete amino acids. These are as follows.
Isoleucine (4.13%). Needed for growth, intelligence development and nitrogen balance within the body. Also assists with synthesising other nonessential amino acids.
人體成長必須元素,幫助腦力成長及人體氮的平衡. 協助綜合其他人體次要氨基酸.
Leucine (5.8%). Helps to increase muscular energy levels and stimulate brain function.
Lysine (4.0%). used for forming blood antibodies, improves the circulatory system and promotes cell growth.
離氨基酸 : 製造血液中抗體,強化循環系統及細胞生長.
Methionine (2.17%). Vital for metabolising fats and lipids that maintain a healthy liver. Also helps calm the nerves.
蛋氨酸: 維持人體新陳代謝所必須元素,
維護肝臟健康, 也可以鎮定緊張.
Phenylalanine (3.95%). Used by the thyroid for the production of thyroxin which in turn governs metabolic rate.
Threonine (4.17%). Improves competence of the intestines and thus aids digestion.
Tryptophane (1.13%). Enhances the use of B group vitamins, improves nerve fibres. This in its turn contributes to emotional stability and calmness.
色氨基酸 : 強化維生素B 群吸收,改善神經緊張, 安定及精神狀況 .
Valine (6.0%). Assists with the co-ordination of the muscular system as well as contributing to improved mental capacity.
草氨酸 :協助肌肉協調,及安定改善精神病患.
Nonessential amino acids
Another group of amino acids are termed as nonessential, and there are twelve of these. Well Spirulina doesn't have all of them, but does have ten; not bad eh? Nonessential means that if not present in normal foods, they can be synthesised; it does not mean that the body has no need of them. Again, the following list is that of the nonessential amino acids which Spirulina can provide.
其他12種次要氨基酸, 螺旋藻只有10種. 次要氨基酸可以人工合成. 並非是指人體不需要, 底下是螺旋藻可以提供的次要氨基酸:
Alanine (5.82%). Strengthens the walls of cells.
丙氨酸 : 強化細胞及細胞膜
Arginine (5.98%). Important for the production of (male) seminal fluid which is about 80% arginine. Assists in keeping the blood clean.
蛋白氨酸 : 男性製造精液的重要成份,協助保持血液乾淨.
Aspartic Acid (6.34%). Helps with the transformation of carbohydrates to energy.
Cystine (0.67%). Aids with pancreatic health and thus stabilises blood sugar etc. May help towards alleviating food allergies.
Glutamic Acid (8.94%). Along with glucose it fuels the brain cells. Can reduce the craving for alcohol and also stabilise mental health.
: 與葡萄糖一樣是腦部的主要營養,可以降低嗜酒慾望, 安定精神病患 .
Glycine (3.5%). Promoter of energy.
Histidine (1.08%). Improves nerve relays, especially in the hearing organs. Has even been used as a remedy for deafness.
改善神經反應, 特別是器官恢復與治療聾症
Proline (2.97%). A Precursor of Glutamic acid.
Serine (4.0%). Helps with the formation of the fatty sheath surrounding nerve fibres.
Tyrosine (4.6%). May slow the ageing of cells and suppresses hunger. Involved in the colouration of hair and skin, and indeed helps with sunburn protection.
Chlorophyll - The Green Gold
葉綠素- 綠色的黃金
Spirulina is very high in chlorophyll. It has an average of three times the amount of the green gold of other highly developed green plants. The dark green colour of Spirulina omes from the large amount of plant blood or in other words, chlorophyll, which is only one molecule different from haemoglobin in human blood and with it, a very important substance in a healthy diet. Chlorophyll in plants is collected sunlight. This “light-energy”, as Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, Germany, calls it, is an important key factor in the human metabolism and cell communication.
Already in 1915 Prof. Richard Willstätter was honoured for his research about chlorophyll with the Nobel Prize. He proved, that chlorophyll is able to produce living substances from dead matter with the help of the stored, converted sunlight.
Dr. Ingfried Hobert, Germany, Chairman of the International Federation to Research and Develop Traditional Healing Methods and author of the book “Das Algen Gesundheits Buch” (The Algae Health Book), highlights in his book the benefits of chlorophyll in maintaining good health. Chlorophyll is mentioned for the prevention and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, acne, to strengthens the heart muscles, build up immunity and energy, as a possible anti-bactericide, only to mention a few.
葉綠素可以幫助維持身體健康,如胃, 十二指腸潰瘍, 粉刺, 等 對強化心臟肌肉及人體免疫系統有幫助, 如同天然抗生素.
Minerals 礦物質
Along with vitamins, we are always told how important minerals are. Well, to most people minerals come from rocks to form stalactites, or simply make washing water harder to wash with! Minerals really are chemical elements which we know are very important for good health. They are used in extremely small amounts however.
Spirulina grows in shallow ponds which contain very high concentrations of minerals. These ponds are very alkaline and in fact almost no other plant life can survive in this type of environment. Spirulina has the ability to lock many minerals into amino acids. By doing this, when we consume Spirulina, we receive the minerals in a form which our body can readily make use of. This next list shows those minerals and trace elements which Spirulina can provide.
Calcium (1,315 mg/Kg). The most abundant mineral in the human body. Essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium also contributes to nerve transmission ability and absorbs acids in the body.
鈣 : 人體所必須的巨量元素,可以強化骨骼及牙齒. 也是人體神經系統所必須, 中和人體的酸鹼度.
Potassium (15,400 mg/Kg). Used for regulating electrolytes. A deficiency can lead to heart attack and muscular collapse.
Zinc (39 mg/Kg). Assists with mental health, skin tone, prostate function and the ability for wounds to heal quickly.
鋅: 幫助腦部健康,皮膚顏色, 前列腺功能及幫助人體自我癒合功能.
Magnesium (1,915 mg/Kg). Assists with the assimilation of vitamins B and C and also some proteins. A deficiency may lead to muscular and cardiac problems.
鎂 : 幫助吸收維生素C, B群及蛋白色質. 缺乏鎂可能造成心臟問題及肌肉萎縮.
Manganese (25 mg/Kg). Activates enzymes together with zinc. Helps stabilise blood sugars.
錳 :激化酵素,穩定血糖.
Selenium (0.40 ppm). Improves cardiac efficiency, reduces some types of toxicity and may retard ageing processes.
Iron (580 mg/Kg). Used for making haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in the blood.
Phosphorus (8,942 mg/Kg). Found in almost every cell of the human body, and together with calcium contributes to strong bones, and assists with digestion of carbohydrates.
磷:人體必須元素,與鈣同為強化骨骼元. 幫助消化碳水化合物
Information from "Spirulina - Micro Food Macro blessing" fourth ed. by Harald W. Tietze
This article is repruduced with a permission.
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